to be licensed is to be carried on; (10) that no brewer or
distiller of beer or any other beverage of alcoholic content
has any interest, financial or otherwise, in the business
which is licensed to be carried on; (11) that the applicant
will not thereafter convey or grant to any brewer or
distiller of beer or any other beverage of alcoholic content
any interest in either the said business which is licensed to
be carried on, or in the property in which said business is
licensed to be carried on, or in any other property at which
said business may thereafter be carried on; (12) that the
applicant has, at the time of making such application, no
indebtedness or other financial obligation to any brewer or
distiller of beer or other beverage of alcoholic content, and
will not, during the period the said license shall be in force
contract any financial obligation to any brewer or distiller
of beer or other beverage of alcoholic content other than
for the purchase of beer or other beverage of alcoholic con-
tent; (13) this petition must be verified by the affidavit of
the applicant, made before a notary public; if any false
statement is made in any part of said petition, the license
granted or issued to the applicant shall be revoked by the
Board of License Commissioners, and the applicant shall
also be deemed guilty of perjury, and upon indictment and
conviction thereof he shall be subject to the penalties pro-
vided by law for that crime.
676. There shall be annexed to this petition a certificate
signed by at least ten respectable qualified voters, residing
or doing business in the ward in which the petitioner asks
to do business, stating the residence or place of business
of each person, certifying and setting forth that they have
been acquainted with the petitioner for (specifying the
length of such acquaintance), that they have good reason
to believe that all the statements contained in the petition
are true, and they therefore pray that the prayer of the
said petitioner be granted and the license issued as prayed
for. This section shall apply only to petitions for licenses
to sell beer or any other beverage of alcoholic content at
retail for consumption on the premises.
677. The said Board shall publicly hear petitions from
residents of the ward or persons living or doing business
in the vicinity of the place for which any license is prayed,
in addition to that of the petitioner, in favor of, and re-
monstrances against, the granting of said license; and in
all cases shall refuse the same whenever in the opinion of
the said Board the petitioner is not a fit person to whom