temporary licenses shall be based upon the fees in this Act
provided, but shall be proportioned to the length of time
which said temporary licenses actually run. Every petition
for a license to sell beer or other beverage of alcoholic con-
tent must be made by an individual, whether such petition
is filed on behalf of the petitioner, a partnership, or a cor-
poration. If made on behalf of a partnership, the peti-
tioner must be a partner; and if made on behalf of a corpo-
ration, the petitioner must be the president or a vice-presi-
dent thereof. In the case of a license granted to an indi-
dividual as a member of a partnership or as the president
or a vice-president of a corporation, the said partnership
or corporation shall be liable for any fine and costs which
the said licensee may be required to pay; and the amount
thereof may be recovered before any court having juris-
diction, without prejudice to the prosecution of said
675. Said petition shall contain (1) the name and resi-
dence of the applicant and how long applicant has resided
there; (2) the particular place for which a license is de-
sired, designating the same by street and number, if prac-
ticable, and, if not, by such other apt description as
definitely locates it; (3) the kind of license desired; (4) the
name of the owner of the premises upon which the business
licensed is to be carried on; (5) a statement that the appli-
cant is a citizen of the United States and a resident of the
State of Maryland; (6) that the applicant has not had a
license for the sale of beer or other beverages of alcoholic
content in this State revoked, or, if the applicant has at
any time had a license for the sale of beer or other bev-
erages of alcoholic content in this State revoked, a full
statement shall be made of the circumstances attendant
upon such revocation; (7) that the applicant has not been
convicted of any felony within one year preceding the filing
of said petition; (8) that the applicant will not knowingly
sell or allow to be sold in the said house or on the said
premises beer or other beverages of alcoholic content on
Sunday, or on election days, unless permitted by law, or to
minors at any time, or allow a minor to drink beer or other
beverages of alcoholic content in said house or on said
premises;. that the applicant will not keep or permit to be
kept a bawdy house in the said house or on the said prem-
ises, or the gathering together or the visitation to said
house or premises of women for lewd or immoral purposes;
(9) that no brewer or distiller of beer or any other bev-
erage of alcoholic content has any interest, financial or
otherwise, in the premises upon or in which the business