672. No person, firm or corporation shall sell beer or
any other beverage of alcoholic content in the City of Balti-
more without a license; and no licenses to sell beer or any
other beverage of alcoholic content other than by distillers,
brewers and rectifiers shall be granted in the City of Balti-
more except by said Board.
673. All licenses required by the provisions of this Act
to sell beer or any other beverage of alcoholic content shall
expire on the thirty-first day of December next succeeding
the date of their issue and shall be issued for twelve or six
month licenses shall be granted to begin only from the first
day of July and from no other time, in the year of their
issue; and that all applications shall be filed before the first
day of January or the first day of July, respectively; pro-
vided, however, that it shall be lawful to apply for licenses
to sell beer or other beverages of alcoholic content at any
months only and for no other periods of time; all twelve-
month licenses shall be granted to begin only from the
first day of January in the year of their issue and all six-
time from and after the date of the passage of this Act
until January 1, 1934, and to receive and pay for such
licenses an amount based upon the fees hereinafter pro-
vided, but proportioned to the length of time which said
licenses will actually run.
674. Every applicant applying for a license to sell beer
or any other beverage of alcoholic content in said City shall
file with the said Board a petition for such license and the
Board shall cause notification of such petition to be pub-
lished three times in three newspapers of general circula-
tion in said City, to be designated by said Board; the first
publication to be not less than fifteen nor more than thirty
days before the time fixed by the Board for action on said
petitions. Pending final action on petitions filed on and
after April 7, 1933, and prior to July 1, 1933, the Board
may in its discretion, and without any notice or advertise-
ment, issue to such applicants temporary licenses which
shall entitle the holders thereof to operate thereunder im-
mediately and until action by the Board upon said petitions,
not exceeding, however, more than sixty (60) days from
the date of issue of such temporary licenses; and provided
that all such temporary licenses shall expire immediately
upon the action of the Board granting or refusing to grant
annual or semi-annual licenses to such applicants, and all
such temporary licenses may also be revoked at any time
by said Board in its discretion. The fees charged for such