and upon conviction thereof the license shall be revoked
and the applicant subjected to the penalties provided by
law for that crime.
Sixth: That the applicant is not the owner of or
licensee named in any license then in force, except that the
holder of an "on sale" license may also procure an "off
sale" license as designated in Section 681E; the intention
of this Act being that no individual, firm, corporation or
association shall carry on the business herein designated
at more than one location.
Seventh: That he intends to carry on the business au-
thorized by the license for himself or for a firm, corpora-
tion or association and not as an Agent of any other indi-
vidual, and that if licensed he will not carry on such busi-
ness as the agent of any other individual.
Eighth: That the applicant intends to superintend in
person the management of the business licensed and if so
licensed he will superintend in person the management of
the business. If the license is issued to a corporation or
association the application must specify the name of the
individual who will superintend or manage the business as
specified in this sub-section.
681E. Licenses issued under authority of this section
shall be of two kinds: (1) "On sale" licenses, which shall
permit the licensee to sell beverages for consumption on
the premises only; and (2) "Off sale" licenses, which shall
permit the licensee to sell beverages in original packages
containing not less than six bottles for consumption off
the premises only.
681 F. All applicants for "on sale" licenses shall pay to
Washington County a license fee of fifty dollars ($50. 00)
per annum, the same to be paid before the license is issued;
"off sale" license fees shall be twenty-five dollars ($25. 00)
per annum payable in like manner. Each kind of license
shall be good for one year from its date, unless sooner re-
voked by the Circuit Court for Washington County.
681G. "On sale" licenses shall be granted only to bona
fide restaurants, incorporated clubs, and/or hotels. "On
sale" licenses may serve beverages to bona fide, guests only,
or, in case of, hotels, may be served in guests' rooms.
681H. No person, firm, association or corporation shall
sell or offer for sale by retail within the limits of Wash-