porations or associations on applications duly made there-
for, for the sale of beverages within the limits of Wash-
ington County, subject, however, to the limitations and
restrictions imposed by this section. The said Clerk shall
keep a full record of all applications for licenses. The
Clerk shall receive from the license fees hereinafter pro-
vided, the sum of fifty cents for each license issued under
this sub-title.
681C. It shall be lawful for any brewer or manufac-
turer to sell to licensees under the provisions of this Act,
in Washington County, any beverage or beverages author-
ized to be manufactured or brewed by the laws of the
United States of America, and of the State of Maryland.
681D. Any person, firm, corporation or association de-
siring a license for the sale of beverages under this section,
shall file with the Clerk of the Circuit Court for Washing-
ton County an application therefor in such form as may be
prescribed. The application shall designate the kind of
license desired. Each license shall designate the place of
business of the licensee. Each application for license shall
First: The name and residence of the applicant, and
how long he has resided within Washington County.
Second: The particular place for which a license is de-
sired, designating the same by street and number if prac-
ticable; if not, by such other apt description as definitely
locates it, showing whether the place is located within the
limits of an incorporated town or in the County not within
the limits of any incorporated town.
Third: The name of the owner of the premises upon
which the business licensed is to be carried on.
Fourth: A statement that the applicant applying for a
license in his or her own behalf, or as the representative of
a firm, corporation or association, is a citizen of the United
States and of the State of Maryland, and has been a resi-
dent of Washington County for not less than three (3)
years immediately preceding the date of the application,
that he is not less than twenty-one (21) years of age, and
that such applicant has never been convicted of a felony.
Fifth: This application must be verified by the affidavit
of the petitioner made before a Notary Public or other
person duly authorized by law to administer oaths. If any
false statement is made in any part of said application the
applicant or applicants shall be deemed guilty of perjury,