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Session Laws, 1933 Session
Volume 421, Page 902   View pdf image (33K)
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226H. Any person who shall violate any of the pro-
visions of this Act shall, upon conviction by a court of
competent jurisdiction, be punished by a fine not exceeding
two hundred and fifty dollars ($250. 00) or imprisonment
in jail for not more than three months, or both fine and
imprisonment, in the discretion of the court, and in case
of a licensee his license shall be revoked for a period of
one year. In case any licensee is convicted of the violation
of the terms of this Act the Court shall immediately declare
his license revoked and notify the Clerk of the Circuit Court
for Howard County accordingly. Any licensee who shall
sell or permit the sale of any alcoholic beverages not au-
thorized under the terms of this section on his premises or
in connection with his business or otherwise shall, upon
conviction, forfeit his license.

226I. The State's Attorney of Howard County, the
Sheriff of said County, the Constables of the several Dis-
tricts therein and the town officers of Ellicott City are all
specifically charged with the enforcement of the provisions
of this Act and the prosecution of those charged with the
violation of the provisions thereof.

It shall be the duty of the Sheriff, his Deputy, and the
Constables of Howard County to make frequent inspections
of the premises of any licensee under this Act; and any
licensee or agent of a licensee who shall violate any of the
provisions of this Act shall be apprehended and taken be-
fore some Justice of the Peace to be thereupon committed
or held to bail for appearance before the Grand Jury.

226J. The funds derived from the issuance of the said
licenses in Howard County shall be paid to the Clerk of the
Circuit Court for Howard County and shall be paid by said
Clerk to the Treasurer of Howard County and be expended
for the general purposes of the County. In addition to the
fee of fifteen dollars ($15. 00) which each applicant shall
pay for each license, there shall be paid a fee of twenty-
five cents (25c) to the Clerk of the Court for his services
in issuing the same.

SEC. 2. And be it further enacted, That all public gen-
eral and public local laws inconsistent with the provisions
of this Act be and they are hereby repealed to the extent
of such inconsistency.

SEC. 3. And be it further enacted, That this Act is here-
by declared to be an emergency law and necessary for the


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Session Laws, 1933 Session
Volume 421, Page 902   View pdf image (33K)
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