Fifth: That he intends to carry on the business au-
thorized by the license for himself or for a firm, corpora-
tion or association and not as an agent of any other indi-
vidual, and that if licensed he will not carry on such busi-
ness as the agent of any other individual.
Sixth: That the applicant intends to superintend in
person the management of the business licensed and if so
licensed he will superintend in person the management of
the business. If the license is issued to a corporation or
association the application must specify the name of the
individual who will superintend or manage the business as
specified in this sub-section.
This application must be verified by the affidavit
of the petitioner made before a Notary Public or other
person duly authorized by law to administer oaths. If any
false statement is made in any part of said application the
applicant or applicants shall be deemed guilty of perjury,
applicant or applicants shall be deemed guilty of a misde-
meanor, and upon conviction thereof the applicant shall be
subjected to the penalties provided for in Section 226H of
this Act and said license shall be revoked and no license
shall be issued to applicant or applicants, so convicted, for
a period of one year from the date of said conviction.
226E. All applicants for licenses shall pay to the Clerk
of the Circuit Court for Howard County a license fee of
fifteen dollars ($15. 00) per annum, the same to be paid
before the license is issued. Every person receiving a
license under this sub-title shall frame said license under
a glass and place the same so that it shall at all times be
conspicuous and easily read, in the chief place of making
sales, and no license issued under this sub-title shall au-
thorize sales by any person who shall neglect this require-
ment. Each license shall be good for one year from May
1st, and all licenses shall expire on April 30th after date
of issue. Provided, however, that any license issued on and
after April 7, 1933, shall expire on April 30, 1934.
226F. No person, firm, association or corporation shall
sell or offer for sale by retail within the limits of Howard
County any beverage without having first obtained a li-
cense so to do. No brewer, wholesaler, or distributor shall
sell or deliver any beverage within Howard County to any
person other than a licensee.
226G. No brewer, manufacturer, wholesaler or distrib-
utor shall have any direct or indirect financial interest in
the business of any licensee.