amendment, with
th e customary
separate box ar-
The following
candidates have
indicated an in-
tention to vote
for the ratifica-
tion of the above
with the custom-
ary box arrange-
The following can-
didates have indi-
cated an intention
to vote against the
ratification of the
above mentioned
with the custom-
ary box arrange-
The following can-
d i d a t e s are un-
pledged with re-
spect to the ratifi-
cation of the above
mentioned amend-
Vote for Three
(Here insert the
name of the can-
didates in alpha-
betica1 order
who have indi-
cated a n inten-
tion to vote for
the ratification
of the amend-
ment, with the
customary sep-
arate box ar-
(Here insert the
name of the candi-
dates in alphabeti-
cal order who have
indicated an inten-
tion to vote against
the ratification of
the amendment,
with the custom-
ary separate box
(Here insert the
name of the candi-
dates in alphabeti-
cal order who are
unpledged with re-
spect to the ratifi-
cation or rejection
of the amendment,
with the custom-
ary box arrange-
On the back and outside of all ballots shall be printed
the words "Official Ballot For," followed by the designa-
tion of the city or county for which it is prepared, the date
of the election and a facsimile of the signature of the Presi-
dent and the Board of Supervisors of Elections by whom
the ballots have been prepared.
SEC. 9. And be it further enacted, That the six candi-
dates at large and the three candidates in each of the
several Congressional Districts, receiving the highest num-
ber of votes, shall be the Delegates to the Convention.
SEC. 10. And be it further enacted, That the Delegates
elected as aforesaid, shall meet at the State House at An-
napolis on the 18th day of October, 1933, at noon, and shall
thereupon constitute a Convention to pass upon the ques-
tion of whether the proposed amendment to the Constitu-
tion of the United States shall be ratified or rejected. If
there shall be a vacancy in the Convention caused by death,