SEC. 8. And be it further enacted, That said election
shall be by ballot which shall be in the following form:
The Congress of the United States has proposed an
amendment to the Constitution of the United States to read
as follows:
Section 1. The Eighteenth Article of Amendment to
the Constitution of the United States is hereby repealed.
Section 2. The transportation or importation in any
State, Territory, or Possession of the United States for
delivery or use therein of intoxicating liquors in violation
of the law thereof is hereby prohibited.
Section 3. This Article shall be inoperative unless it
shall have been ratified as an amendment to the Constitu-
tion by Conventions in the several States, as provided in
the Constitution within seven years from the date of the
submission hereof to the States by the Congress."
The Legislature of Maryland has provided for the hold-
ing, of this special election for the selection of delegates to
assemble in Convention for the purpose of ratifying or re-
jecting the aforesaid amendment.
The following
candidates for
delegate at large
have indicated
an intention to
vote for the rati-
fication o f t h e
above mentioned
The following can-
didates for dele-
gate at large have
indicated an inten-
tion to vote against
the ratification of
the above men-
tioned amendment.
The following can-
didates for dele-
gate at large are
unpledged with re-
spect to the ratifi-
cation of the above
mentioned amend-
Vote for six
(Here insert the
names of the
candidates in al-
phabetical order
who have been
nominated and
have indicated
an intention to
vote for the rati-
fication o f t h e
(Here insert the
names of the can-
didates in alpha-
betical order who
have been nomi-
nated and have in-
dicated an inten-
tion to vote against
the ratification of
the amendment,
(Here insert the
names of the can-
didates in alpha-
betical order who
have been nomi-
nated and are un-
pledged with re-
spect to the ratifi-
cation or rejection
of the amendment,