provided, further, that said highway shall be repaired and
left by the Commission in the same or not inferior condi-
tion to that existing before being torn up, and that all cost
incident thereto shall be borne by the Commission.
SEC. 11. And be it further enacted, That any employee
or agent of said Commission shall have the right of entry
at all reasonable hours and after reasonable advance notice
to the owner, tenant or person in possession, upon any
private premises and into any building in the sewerage
district, or in those portions of Anne Arundel County out-
side of said district, while in the necessary pursuit of his
official duties, and any restraint or hindrance offered to
such entry by any owner or tenant, or agent of said owner
or tenant, shall be a misdemeanor punishable under Section
13 of this Act.
SEC. 12. And be it further enacted, That all individuals,
firms and corporations having buildings, conduits, pipes,
tracks or other physical obstructions in, over or under the
public roads, streets or alleys of the Sewerage District, or
those portions of Anne Arundel County outside of said dis-
trict, which shall block or impede the progress of the Com-
mission's sewerage or drainage systems while in process of
construction and establishment, shall upon reasonable
notice from said Commission, promptly so shift, adjust,
accommodate, remove the same at their own cost and ex-
pense, as to fully meet the exigencies occasioning such
notice; and should the exigencies of any case involve a tak-
ing in the constitutional sense of a franchise or right in the
exercise of which said obstruction had its origin, the Com-
mission shall be empowered to condemn an easement in
said franchise or right. And after the building and com-
pletion of said sewerage disposal plant and treatment
works, it shall be unlawful for any person, persons or cor-
poration to dump or empty, cause or permit to be dumped
or emptied, any sewerage, garbage or filth of any kind in
any of the waters mentioned in Section 1 of this Act. Any
violations of the provisions of this section shall be a mis-
demeanor punishable under Section 13 of this Act.
SEC. 13. And be it further enacted, That every omission
designated as a misdemeanor in this Act, unless otherwise
provided, shall be punishable before any Justice of the
Peace or the Circuit Court of Anne Arundel County, within
which such offense is committed, and shall be brought by
warrant or indictment upon the oath or information of any