175. To that certain parcel of land situate in the First
Election District of said County and lying on the- easterly
side of the State Road leading from Emmorton to Van
Bibber Station on the B. and O. Railroad, composed of a
part of a tract of land called "Osborn's or Ann'e Lot";
being the same and all the lands which were conveyed to
said Vestry by deed from Harry S. Pyle, et al..dated the
9th of October, 1931, and recorded among the Land Rec-
ords of Harford County in Liber S. W. C. No. 221, folio
239, and therein particularly described by courses and dis-
tances as containing eighty-one hundredths (81/100ths) of
an acre.
176. To the life estate of McHenry Boyd Brand in 34
acres, 3 roods and 28 square perches of land, situate in the
First Election District of Harford County and lying on the
westerly side of the public road from Emmorton to Hall's
Mill or Abbingdon, past the gate of the late Rev. William
F. Brand's residence and adjoining the lands of Joseph H.
Everett, Philip W. Littig, other lands lately belonging to
the said William F. Brand and those of John A. Porter
and Henry Piper, being the same and all the life estate
vested in the said McHenry Boyd Brand for life only, and
to which he succeeded by virtue of the deaths of his mother
and father, the said William F. Brand and Sophia McH.
Brand, his wife, and more particularly described in a deed
from the said Vestry to the said William F. Brand and
wife and said McHenry Boyd Brand for their joint lives
and for the lives or life of the survivors or survivor of
them, as joint tenants, with the right of survivorship for
life only, dated the 21st day of July, 1902, and recorded
among the Land Records of said Harford County in Liber
W. S. F. No. 104, folio 352.
177. To the life estate of the said McHenry Boyd Brand
in and to all that other parcel of land contiguous to the
parcel above mentioned, containing 5 acres, 3 roods and 34
square perches, more or less, situate in the said District of
Harford County on the road from Emmorton to Edgewood,
and also contiguous to the lot and cemetery of said St.
Mary's Church, and more particularly described in a Deed
from Ralph L. Wilson and wife to the said William F.
Brand, Sophia McH. Brand, his wife, and McHenry Boyd
Brand and the said Vestry, to have and to hold to the said
Grantees William F. Brand, Sophia McH. Brand, his wife,
and McHenry Boyd Brand aforesaid, for their joint lives
and for the lives or life or the survivors or survivor of