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Session Laws, 1933 Session
Volume 421, Page 1323   View pdf image (33K)
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1933, and duly recorded among the Land Records of Balti-
more City, conveying property No. 227 Chancery Road,
Guilford, in Baltimore City, and also to the holding and dis-
posal of said property by the Asbury Foundation of the
Methodist Episcopal Church, Incorporated.

171. To the grant and Deed from Vivian C. Leftwich
and wife to the Trustees of The Mount Vernon Place
Methodist Episcopal Church of Baltimore, dated July 16th,
1921, and recorded among the Land Records of Baltimore
City in Liber S. C. L. No. 3759, folio 396, conveying sev-
eral parcels of ground situate in Baltimore City, and also
to the holding and disposal of said property by the Trustees
of The Mount Vernon Place Methodist Episcopal Church
of Baltimore.

172. To the grant and Deed from The Mount Vernon
Place Methodist Episcopal Church of Baltimore to The
Asbury Foundation of the Methodist Episcopal Church,
Incorporated, dated November 18th, 1925, and recorded
among the Land Records of Baltimore City in Liber S. C.
L. No. 4492, folio 82, conveying several parcels of ground
situate in Baltimore City, and also to the holding and dis-
posal of said property by The Asbury Foundation of the
Methodist Episcopal Church, Incorporated.

173. To the grand and Deed from Charles K. Abra-
hams, et al..Trustees of the Mount Vernon Place Methodist
Episcopal Church of Baltimore to The Asbury Foundation
of the Methodist Episcopal "Church, Incorporated, dated
January 16th, 1933, and duly recorded among the Land
Records of Baltimore City, conveying property No. 4412
Norwood Place (formerly No. 9 Norwood Place), situate
in Baltimore City, and also to the holding and disposal of
said property by The Asbury Foundation of the Methodist
Episcopal Church, Incorporated.

174. To the grant and Deed from Charles K. Abra-
hams, et al..Trustees of the Mount Vernon Place Methodist
Episcopal Church of Baltimore to the Asbury Foundation
of the Methodist Episcopal Church, Incorporated, dated
the 4th day of March, 1933, and duly recorded among the
Land Records of Baltimore City, conveying property situ-
ate on the south side of Cold Spring Lane in Baltimore
City, and also to the holding and disposal of said property
by the Asbury Foundation of the Methodist Episcopal
Church, Incorporated.


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Session Laws, 1933 Session
Volume 421, Page 1323   View pdf image (33K)
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