them, as joint tenants, with the right of survivorship for
life only, with the remainder in fee simply over to the said
Vestry, which said Deed is dated August 13th, 1902, and
recorded as aforesaid in Liber W. S. F. No. 104, folio 388.
178. To Deed from Ann E. Barnard to the Vestry of St.
Mary's Church in Harford County for 3 acres, part of
"Osborn's Lot," situate in the First District aforesaid and
lying on the public road leading from Emmorton to Abing-
don, which said Deed bears date of October 1st, 1891, and
is recorded as aforesaid in Liber A. L. J. No. 71, folio 380.
179. To the bequest of One hundred fifty dollars
($150.00) to St. John's Lutheran Church, Sweetair, Mary-
land, as contained in the Last Will and Testament of Miss
Annie W. Kurtz, late of Ashland, Baltimore County, Mary-
land, which said Will was executed under date of Septem-
ber 30th, 1931, and probated in the Orphans' Court of Bal-
timore County, Towson, Maryland, on October 20th, 1932.
Approved April 21, 1933.
AN ACT to define certain terms used herein; to authorize
and empower municipalities in the State of Maryland
to make, adopt, amend, extend, add to or carry out a
municipal or regional plan and to designate a planning
commission for such purposes; to prescribe the 'number,
qualifications, manner of appointment and terms of
members of the said commission, to authorize the com-
mission to elect a chairman and create and fill other
offices and prescribe the term of said officers and to pro-
vide for regular meetings of the commission and author-
ize it to adopt rules and regulations for the transaction
of its business and make records public; to authorize the
said commission to appoint such employees as it may
deem necessary and/or to contract with other persons
for their services, and to require the council to provide
funds, equipment and accommodations for the commis-
sion's work; to define the general powers and duties of
the said commission and to authorize it to make and
adopt a master plan for the physical development of the
municipality, and/or areas outside of its boundaries; to