Last Will and Testament of J. Charles Linthicum, which
said Will has been probated in the Orphans' Court of Bal-
timore City.
167. To the Deed and conveyance to Baltimore Dea-
coness Home of the Methodist Episcopal Church of Bal-
time City, a body corporate, dated July 7th, 1927, and re-
corded among the Land Records of Baltimore City in Liber
S. C. L. No. 4763, folio 2, for property at the north side
of Fawn Street between High and Exeter Streets.
168. To the sale, grant, deed, conveyance and assign-
ment of the leasehold estate and interest in a certain lease-
hold lot or parcel of ground and premises, with the im-
provements thereon, situate, lying and being in the City of
Baltimore, in the State of Maryland, on the north side of
Lanvale Street west of Bentalou Street, the improvements
thereon being known as No. 2326 West Lanvale Street,
made by The Hunting Ridge Presbyterian Church of Bal-
timore City, a body corporate, to and for the use and bene-
fit of The Fulton Avenue Presbyterian Church of Balti-
more City, a body corporate, duly incorporated under the
laws of the State of Maryland, by its Deed dated Septem-
ber 30th, 1932, and recorded among the Land Records of
Baltimore City aforesaid on October 29th, 1932, in Liber
S. C. L. No. 5331, folio 393, etc..and that the leasehold
title and estate to the said lot or parcel of ground and prem-
ises, together with the improvements thereon, vest abso-
lutely in the said last named body corporate, its successors
and assigns, to its own and their own use and benefit, with
full power to have, hold, sell, lease, mortgage, grant, con-
vey, assign, or in any other way whatsoever dispose of the
same or of any part thereof.
169. To the grant and Deed executed by E. Spikwith
Bruce and J. Marshall H. Bruce, Trustees to The Home for
the Aged of the Methodist Episcopal Church, dated Au-
gust 8th, 1928, and recorded among the Land Records of
Baltimore City in Liber S. C. L. No. 4912, folio 300, con-
veying fifteen and five one-thousandths acres, more or less,
situate on Robers Avenue, in Baltimore City, and also to
the holding and disposal of said property by The Home
for the Aged of the Methodist Episcopal Church.
170. To the grant and Deed from The Title Holding
Company to the Asbury Foundation of the Methodist Epis-
copal Church, Incorporated, dated the 22nd day of March,