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Session Laws, 1933 Session
Volume 421, Page 1321   View pdf image (33K)
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162. To the bequests contained in the Will of Mina C.
Mitchel, duly probated in the Orphans' Court for Balti-
more County and recorded in the office of the Register of
Wills for said County on October 18th, 1932, as follows:

(a) First English Evangelical Lutheran Church of Bal-
timore, called in said Will, First English Lutheran Church,
3805 N. Charles Street, Baltimore, Maryland.

(b) Lutheran Inner Mission Society of the Evangelical
Lutheran Church of Baltimore City and Vicinity, Incor-
porated, called in said Will Lutheran Hospice for Girls,
509 Park Avenue, Baltimore, Maryland.

163. To Deed dated January 28th, 1932, and recorded
among the Land Records of Baltimore City in Liber S. C.
L. No. 5281, folio 185, from L. Oscar Rust and Hilda A.
Rust, his wife, to the Trustees of The Fulton Avenue Bap-
tist Church, a body corporate, which Deed conveys prop-
erty No. 5 N. Fulton Avenue.

164. To Deed dated September 18th, 1920, and recorded
among the aforesaid Land Records in Liber S. C. L. No.
3652, folio 421, from Andrew J. Powell to the Trustees of
The Fulton Avenue Baptist Church, a body corporate,
which Deed conveys property No. 3 N. Fulton Avenue.

165. To the bequests contained in the Last Will and
Testament of Maggie N. Ward, late of Wicomico County,
Maryland, which Will is dated October 16th, 1930, and re-
corded in the Office of the Register of Wills for Wicomico
County, Maryland, in Will Book M. N. N. No. 1, folio 437, follows:

(a) To the Vestry of Salisbury Parish, a body corporate,
at Salisbury, Maryland, the sum of Two hundred dollars
($200.00), in trust, to use the net income therefrom for
the purpose of taking care of and keeping in order the
burial lot of William P. Ward in Parsons' Cemetery, Salis-
bury, Maryland.

(b) To Bethesda Methodist Protestant Church of Salis-
bury, Maryland, a body corporate, the sum of One thou-
sand dollars ($1,000.00), in trust, to pay the net income
therefrom toward the salary of the Ministers at said
Church from time to time appointed by the Maryland An-
nual Conference of the Methodist Protestant Church.

166. To the bequest of Ten thousand dollars ($10,-
000.00) to The Linthicum Heights Methodist Protestant
Church, Linthicum Heights, Maryland, as contained in the


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Session Laws, 1933 Session
Volume 421, Page 1321   View pdf image (33K)
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