Bishop Cummins Memorial Church of the City of Balti-
more, bearing date of February 24, 1932, and recorded
among the Land Records of Baltimore City in Liber S. C. L.
No. 5285, folio 597, etc..conveying the fee simple property
therein described.
152. To the grant and conveyance of a certain ground
rent in the City of Baltimore under property No. 2026
Herbert Street from Paul H. England to Trustees of the
Methodist Episcopal Church of the Fayette Street Station
in the City of Baltimore, dated November 30, 1929, and
recorded among the Land Records of Baltimore City in
Liber S. C. L No. 5074, folio 491.
153. To the grant and conveyance of a certain lease-
hold property in the City of Baltimore, being known as
No. 2827 Windsor Avenue from Lucy A. Chapman et al to
Trustees of the Methodist Episcopal Church of the Fayette
Street Station in the City of Baltimore, dated June 12,
1931, and recorded among the Land Records of Baltimore
City in Liber S. C. L. No. 5227, folio 60, etc.
154. To the Deed of Assignment made and executed by
George W. Livingston to the Trustees of the Fulton Ave-
nue Baptist Church of Baltimore City, a body corporate,
incorporated under the Laws of the State of Maryland, of
the property located in the City of Baltimore, and which
lot of ground and improvements are known as No. 1910
West Saratoga Street, and described more fully in a Deed
bearing date June 20th, 1918, and recorded among the
Land Records of Baltimore City in Liber S. C. L. No. 3223,
folio 507, etc.
155. To the bequest to the Trustees of Washington
Methodist Episcopal Church, South, of Shad Point, Mary-
land, a body corporate of the State of Maryland, the sum
of Fifteen hundred dollars ($1500.00), as contained in the
Last Will and Testament of James A. Turner, deceased,
dated May 3rd, 1927, which said Will was duly probated in
the Orphans' Court for Wicomico County, Maryland, on
the 25th day of August, 1930, and is of record in the office
of the Register of .Wills for Wicomico County, Maryland,
in Wills Book M. N. N. No. 1, folio 244.
156. To the devise and bequest contained in the Last
Will and Testament and Codicil thereto of Anna M.