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Session Laws, 1933 Session
Volume 421, Page 1318   View pdf image (33K)
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147. To a bequest of One hundred dollars ($100.00) to
the Rector of St..Martin's Roman Catholic Church, con-
tained in the Will of Augusta P. Cassidy, dated December
17th, 1927, and recorded among the records of the Register
of Wills for Baltimore City, in Wills Liber E. R. D. No.
169, folio 499.

148. To a bequest of the rest, residue and remainder of
his estate to the Bethesda M. E. Church in the town of
Preston, Caroline County, State of Maryland, contained in
the Will of William H. H. Perry dated May 14th, 1930, and
recorded among the Records of the Register of Wills for
Caroline County.

149. To the bequests contained in the Will of Ella E.
Sheets, dated February 21st, 1929, and codicil dated Febru-
ary 28th, 1929, and recorded among the Records of the
Register of Wills for Baltimore City in Wills Liber E. R. D.
No. 170, folio 404, as follows, viz:

(a) One hundred dollars ($100.00) to Reverend William
A. Cahill, Pastor of St. Cecelia's Church.

(b) Five thousand dollars ($5000.00) to the Associated
Professors of St. Mary's Seminary of Baltimore City.

(c) Three thousand dollars ($3000.00) to St. Mary's
Industrial School for Boys, Baltimore.

(d) Two thousand dollars ($2000.00) to St. Mary's Fe-
male Orphan Asylum, Baltimore.

(e) Two thousand dollars ($2000.00) to St. Elizabeth's
Home of Baltimore City.

(f) Two thousand dollars ($2000.00) to St. Vincent's
Infant Asylum, Lafayette Avenue and Division Street, Bal-

(g) One thousand dollars ($1000.00) to Michael Joseph
Curley, Archbishop of Baltimore.

(h) Residue of estate to Little Sisters of the Poor, Pres-
ton and Valley Streets, Baltimore.

150. To the Deed from Joseph H. Cudlipp and Irene M.
Cudlipp, his wife, to the Vestry of the Bishop Cummins
Memorial Church of the City of Baltimore, bearing date
of November 1, 1926, and recorded among the Land Rec-
ords of Baltimore City in Liber S. C. L. No. 4656, folio 37
etc..conveying the reversionary interest and estate in and
to the lot of ground therein described and the annual
ground rent of $120.00 issuing and payable thereout.

151. To the Deed from the Independent African Metho-
dist Episcopal Church, Incorporated, to the Vestry of the


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Session Laws, 1933 Session
Volume 421, Page 1318   View pdf image (33K)
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