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Session Laws, 1933 Session
Volume 421, Page 1317   View pdf image (33K)
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141. To a bequest of Ten thousand dollars ($10,000.00)
to The First Unitarian Church of Baltimore, contained in
the Will of Annie Wentz, dated February 12, 1914, and
codicils dated March 13th, 1918 and June 17th, 1920, and
recorded among the Records of the Register of Wills for
Baltimore City, in "Wills" Liber E. R. D. No. 172, folio 362.

142. To a bequest of Five thousand dollars ($5,000.00)
to the Shearith Israel Congregation and a bequest of Three
thousand dollars ($3000.00) to the Oheb Shalom Congre-
gation, contained in the Will of William Schloss, dated
April 30th, 1930, and recorded among the Records of the
Register of Wills for Baltimore City, in Wills Liber E. R.
D. No. 170, folio 477.

143. To a bequest of One thousand dollars ($1000.00)
to the Treasurer of the Diocese of Easton for the benefit of
the Parish of "Old Wye," contained in the Will of De-
Courcy W. Thorn, dated February 7th, 1927, and codicil
dated May 28th, 1932, and recorded among the Records of
the Register of Wills for Baltimore City, in Wills Liber
E. R. D. No. 174, folio 247.

144. To a bequest of Two hundred dollars ($200.00) to
the Beth T. Filoh Congregation of Baltimore City and a
bequest of one hundred dollars ($100.00) to the Salvation
Army, contained in the Will of Benjamin J. Nusbaum,
dated March 7, 1929, and codicils dated February 21st,
1930, and October 20th, 1930, and recorded among the
Records of the Register of Wills for Baltimore in Wills
Liber E. R. D. No. 172. folio 289.

145. To a bequest of Three hundred dollars ($300.00)
to the Vestry of the Protestant Episcopal Church of the
Ascension of Baltimore City, contained in the Will of
Octavia C. Robinson, dated September 25th, 1928 and co-
dicil dated December 23rd, 1928, and recorded among the
Records of the Register of Wills for Baltimore in Wills
Liber E. R. D. No. 170, folio 242.

146. To a bequest of Three thousand dollars ($3000.00)
to the Protestant Episcopal Church of the Diocese of Mary-
land for the benefit of St. John's Protestant Episcopal
Church in Havre de Grace, Maryland, contained in the Will
of J. William O'Neill, dated March 20th, 1928, and recorded
among the Records of the Register of Wills for Harford


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Session Laws, 1933 Session
Volume 421, Page 1317   View pdf image (33K)
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