of their office, make oath before the Mayor that they
will diligently and faithfully, to the best of their
judgment, perform the duties of Councilmen of said
town, without favor, partiality or prejudice; the
Mayor shall take the oath prescribed by the Consti-
tution, as directed by section six of article sixty-
eight of the Code.
78. They shall meet at the council chamber
or some other convenient place as often as they may
think necessary, and the Mayor shall preside at all
meetings of the council and have the same power of
voting and taking part in all acts and deliberations
of the council as any member thereof.
Power of
79. The Mayor and Councilmen shall appoint
and qualify a clerk, who shall keep minutes of
their proceedings, which shall be subject to the in-
spection of all persons interested therein.
80. They shall at their first meeting after
each annual election, appoint a bailiff for said
town, who before entering on the duties of his of-
fice, shall make oath before the Mayor and Coun-
cilmen that he will faithfully and impartially per-
form the duties required of him as bailiff, to the
best of his skill and judgment, without favor
or partiality, affection or prejudice.
81. They may allow the clerk and bailiff such
reasonable compensation for their services as they
may think proper.
82. The Mayor and Council may pass such
ordinances, not contrary to law, as they may deem
beneficial to the town, they shall have power to re-
move nuisances and obstructions from the streets,
lanes and alleys, and from any lots adjoining
thereto, and also any houses and other buildings
that may become dangerous to the neighborhood
on any account, and to prevent all nuisances and
annoyances in fsaid town, and may impose such
fines, forfeitures and imprisonments, as to them
may appear necessary, for the violation of any or-
dinance of said town.
83. They may from time to time cause an as-
sessment to be made of all the property, real and
personal, in the town, by a person appointed by
them, and may levy thereon a tax not exceeding in
any one year, fifty cents in every hundred dollars
of property.