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Session Laws, 1866 Session
Volume 419, Page 7   View pdf image (33K)
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Cecilton, are hereby declared to be the duly au-
thorized Commissioners of said town, and shall
continue in office until the first Monday of May,
in the year eighteen hundred and sixty-six, and
until their successors be duly elected and qualified,
and all acts performed by them within the corpo-
rate powers granted by the Act to which this is a
supplement, or by this Act, shall be valid and of
full force and virtue in law.


Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That an elec-
tion for Commissioners of the said town shall be
held on the first Monday of May, in the year
eighteen hundred and sixty-six, and on the same
day of each and every year thereafter; but if the
said election be not held on the day specified, the
power of electing Commissioners for said town
shall not cease, but the President and Commission-
ers then in office shall continue to act until a new
election be held, which election the said President
and Commissioners may order at any time on
giving a five days notice by advertisement in
writing posted at three of the most public places
in said town, and the Commissioners then elected
shall hold office until the first Monday of May
thereafter, and until their successors be elected and

Election of

Sec. 3. And be it further enacted, That the Pres-
ident and Commissioners of said town shall have
power to determine and establish the limits of said
town, and shall file with the Clerk of the Circuit
Court for Cecil county a description of the bounda-
ries by them established, which shall be deemed a
record of the boundaries of said town.

Limits of

Sec. 4. And be it further enacted, That the Pres-
ident and Commissioners of the said town shall
have power to levy and collect taxes in said town,
not exceeding in any one year forty cents in the
hundred dollars on the assessable property of said
town, and they shall once in. every five years, or
oftener, if they think proper, appoint an assessor,
who shall, under oath, assess and value the pro-
perty in said town, in the same manner, and with

Power to

levy taxes.

like authority as county assessors; provided, that
in assessing any of the lands within the town
which may be used and occupied as farms, or may
be a part or parts of farms, such as lands, shall be
valued and assessed as lots of four acres of ground,


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Session Laws, 1866 Session
Volume 419, Page 7   View pdf image (33K)
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