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Session Laws, 1866 Session
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they do not conflict with the Constitution and Laws
of the United States, and of the State of Maryland,
or the Laws of the Great Council of Maryland.

In force.

SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That this act of in-
corporation shall take effect from the date of its



Passed Jan.
29, 1866.

AN ACT supplementary to the Act of eighteen
hundred and sixty-four, chapter three hundred
and fifty-three, entitled, " An Act to incorporate
the President and Commissioners of the Town
of Cecilton. "


WHEREAS, an election was held during the month
of May, in the year eighteen hundred and sixty-
four, for five Commissioners of the town of Cecil-
ton, although the Act incorporating said town did
not take effect, until the first day of June there-
after; and whereas, the said Commissioners, be-
lieving their election to be lawful, performed cer-
tain corporate acts, which should be legalized;
and whereas, the General Assembly of Maryland,
at its January term eighteen hundred and sixty-
five, passed a supplemental bill curing said defects,
but the bill thus passed was never signed by the
Governor; and whereas, under said original and
supplemental acts, an election was held in the
month of May, eighteen hundred and sixty-five,
for five Commissioners of the said town; and
whereas, the Commissioners thus elected have since
qualified and performed corporate acts, which
should be made valid; and whereas, a supplement
to the aforesaid original law is necessary; Now,


SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly
of Maryland, That the five persons who were
elected last May as Commissioners of the town of

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Session Laws, 1866 Session
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