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Session Laws, 1866 Session
Volume 419, Page 8   View pdf image (33K)
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with. the buildings and improvements thereon, and
shall not be valued and assessed by the number of
acres therein; and if any owner of property assess-
ed within said town shall feel aggrieved by the
assessment so made, he may appeal to the Presi-
dent and Commissioners of said town, who may
make such deduction from the valuation of his pro-
perty as they may deem reasonable and just.

of taxes.

Sec. 5. And be it further enacted, That the bailiff of
said town may enforce the payment of town taxes
in the same manner and with like effect as collect-
ors of State and county taxes.

In force.

See. 6. And be it enacted, That this Act shall
take effect from the date of its passage.



Passed Jan.
31, 1866.

AN ACT further to regulate the relation of credi-
tor and debtor between the State of Maryland and
the Susquehanna and Tide Water Canal Compa-


WHEREAS, the Susquehanna and Tide Water Canal
Companies, by reason of the calamitous freshet
which occurred in the Susquehanna about the
time of the passage of the act of the last session
in relation to the said companies, have been una-
ble to comply with the terms and conditions of
the said act; and whereas, it is manifestly the in-
terest of the people of this State to continue and
increase in every possible way the efficiency of
said works, which can only be done by the fos-
tering encouragement of this State; Therefore,

to relinquish
arrearages of

SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly
of Maryland, That the Governor, Comptroller and
Treasurer of the State, conjointly, or any two of
them, be and they hereby are authorized and in-
structed to relinquish the arrearages of interest and

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Session Laws, 1866 Session
Volume 419, Page 8   View pdf image (33K)
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