SECTION 1. Se it enacted by the General Assembly
of Maryland, That Grayson Eichelberger, State
Bounty Commissioner, of Frederick county, be and
he is hereby authorized and directed to pay Dennis
H. Maynard, upon the aforesaid transfer or assign-
ment, now in his possession, the bounties which
accrued to the parties named above for their enlist-
ment under the acts above named.
to pay.
Sec. 2. And be it enacted, That this act shall
take effect from the date of its passage.
In force,
AN ACT to incorporate the Chesapeake Tribe
Number thirty-two, Improved Order of Bed
Men of Annapolis, Maryland.
Passed Jan.
29, 1866.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly
of Maryland, That R. Vinton Clayton, Solomon Phil-
lips, J. G. Colburn, Wm. B. Gardner, Thos. K. Jones,
James Guest King, John F. Elliott, and Charles
Wilson, and others, officers and members of Chesa-
peake Tribe, number thirty-two, Improved Order of
Red Men, working under the charter of the Great
Council of Maryland, and their successors be in-
corporated and made a body politic and corporate
by the name and number of Chesapeake Tribe,
number thirty-two, of Improved Order of tied Mea
of the city of Annapolis, and State of Maryland, and
by that name sue and be sued and have a common
seal, and the same at their option alter, and en-
titled to use the powers and privileges incident to
such corporations.
Sec. 2. And be it enacted, That said corporation
shall not be permitted to issue any note, token, de-
vice or scrip, or other evidence of debt to be used
as currency, and that said corporation shall have
power to make by-laws for its government, and to
Not to exer-
cise banking
alter and amend the same at pleasure; provided;