squares of all such lots as were assessed at their
last assessment as lots which the assessors were un-
able to find legal owners for, in each newspaper
published in Harford county, and one newspaper
in New York city, Philadelphia and Baltimore,
once a week for four weeks, notifying that unless
the taxes due on said lots shall be paid by the
legal owners, or their legal representatives to the
said Bailiff within the space of thirty days after
the publication of the notice is completed, each of
the lots so charged, shall be sold to the highest
bidder for the payment of the same; in all cases
where the taxes shall not be paid by the day or
time mentioned in said advertisement, the Board
of Commissioners of said town shall direct their
Bailiff after twenty days previous notice at the
Court-House door in Bel-Air, and by publication
in each newspaper published in Harford county,
and also in one newspaper published in the cities
of Baltimore, Philadelphia, and New York, for the
same length of time, to sell by public sale to the
highest bidder for cash all such lots, and the same
Bailiff to
make return
of sale.
when sold to transfer by deed of bargain and sale
to the purchaser thereof; the said Bailiff shall
within two weeks after making sale of the lots
make return to the Board of Commissioners of the
town of Havre-de-Grace of all his proceedings in
relation thereto, and if from the sale of any lot the
Bailiff shall receive more money than is sufficient
to satisfy the taxes and other legal charges thereon,
he shall within two weeks after such sale pay such
surplus into the hands of the Treasurer of the Board
to invest
of Commissioners of said town; and said Board of
Commissioners are hereby authorized to invest the
paid funds in the bonds of the United States or
bonds of this State, subject to the provisions of this
Owner may
redeem lot.
bill; the legal owner or his legal representative
may redeem any lot sold by paying taxes and le-
gal costs, with twelve per cent, per annum, to the
purchaser thereof, within two years from the day
of sale, the amount of purchase money, with inter-
est thereon at the rate of fifteen per cent, per an-
num, from the day of sale.
In force
Sec. 2. And be it enacted, That this act shall
take effect from the date of its passage.