sengers and property as shall within a reasonable
time previous thereto be offered for transportation
at the place of smarting, and at all the usual stop-
ing places established for receiving and discharg-
ing way passengers and freight for that train, and
shall take, transport and discharge such passen-
gers and property, at, from and to, such places, on
the due payment of their freight or fare legally
authorized therefor, and shall be liable to the party
aggrieved in an action for damages, for any request
or refusal in the premises.
Sec, 15. And be it enacted, That all money ob-
tained on subscriptions to the stock of the said
Washington and Point Look Out Railroad Com-
pany, paid by the incorporated towns, or coun-
ties along the line of said Railroad shall be exclu-
sively expended in locating and constructing said
Railroad through, the particular county making
such subscriptions, unless the written consent of
such cities or counties be filed with the President
of said company, allowing it to be used at the dis-
cretion of the said President and Directors.
Sec. 16. And be it enacted, That if the road
authorized by this act to be made, shall not be
commenced within two years from the passage of
this act, and shall not be completed within ten
years after it shall have been commenced, then
this act shall be void, and the powers, conferred by
it shall cease.
When act to
be void.
Sec. 17. And be it enacted, That the rights and
privileges above conferred on said company for the
main stem thereof shall extend alike to the several
branches of the same.
Rights to ex-
tend to bran-
Sec. 18. And be it enacted, That this act shall
take effect from the date of its passage; and the
General Assembly reserves to itself the right to
alter, amend or repeal this act at pleasure.
To take ef-