with all their works, improvements and profits,
all machinery of transportation used or to he used on
said road are hereby vested in the said company
incorporated by this act, and their successors for-
ever, and the shares of the Capital stock of said
company shall he deemed personal estate.
Books to be
Sec. 12. And be it enacted, That as soon as this
act shall have been passed by the General Assembly
of Maryland, books may be opened, subscriptions
received, and the said company organized, and
that when organized the said company and the Presi-
dent and Directors of the same, shall have all the
powers, rights and privileges granted by this act,
and shall be subject to all its regulations in con-
structing or repairing any of the said railroads or
other necessary works or buildings which may be
or can he constructed within the limits of the State
of Maryland, and in transporting persons, goods,
merchandise or property along the lines of said
roads, and that the provisions of this act shall be
wholly in force as to all the property of the com-
pany which may be situated or be within the State
of Maryland, which said company is permitted to
hold under this act.
Power to is-
sue bonds.
Sec. 13. And be it enacted, That the President
and Directors of said company, shall have power
to issue bonds or certificates of indebtedness under
the seal of said company, in such sum or sums of
a denomination not less than one hundred dollars,
as said company may prefer, and to sell and dispose
of the same upon such terms as to said company
may seem proper, and to pledge the property and
profits of said company to secure the payment
thereof, and also with power to convert the bonds
so issued, into capital stock of said company, upon
such terms as may be agreed upon between the
holder or holders of said bonds, and said President
and Directors; provided, that said company shall
not be authorized to issue any certificate, note,
scrip or device, to be used as money; provided, the
said increase of capital stock shall not exceed one
million dollars.
Run tars at
regular times.
Sec. 14. And be it enacted, That said company
shall start and run their cars for the transportation
of passengers and property at regular times to be
fixed by public notice, and shall furnish sufficient
accommodation for transportation of all such pas-