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Session Laws, 1866 Session
Volume 419, Page 301   View pdf image (33K)
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and interest in the same thus valued as fully as if
it had been conveyed to the owner or owners of the
same, and the valuation, if not received when tend-
ered, may at any time thereafter he received from
the company, without cost by the said owner or
owners, or his, her or their legal representatives.


Sec. 10. And be it enacted, That it shall not be j
necessary to complete the railroad authorized to be
constructed by this act, before dividends of the net
profits shall be declared and distributed thereof,
among the stockholders; but if in the progress of
of the construction of the said road, the President
and Directors thereof, shall think proper to equip
for service any completed part thereof, they are
hereby authorised to do so, and to disburse the
net earnings of profits or any part thereof they may
deem proper, arising from the transactions of busi-
ness done upon such completed portion thereof,
amongst the Stockholders in dividends, to be declar-
ed annually or semi-annually at their discretion
or the said net earning may be applied to the con-
struction of the other part the road or its branches
at their discretion.


Sec. 11. And be it enacted, That the said Presi-
dent and Directors, or a majority of them, shall
have power to purchase with any of the funds of
said Company any place or any railroad constructed
by them under this act. all machines, wagons,
vehicles, or carriages of any description whatsoever,
which they may deem necessary or proper for the

Power to
purchase with

purposes of transportation on said road; and they
shall have power to charge for tolls upon the
transportation of persons, goods, produce, wares or
merchandise, or other property transported by them
along said railway any sum riot exceeding the

Power to
charge tolls.

following rates: on all goods, produce, merchandise
or other property of any kind whatsoever trans-
ported by them, one cent a ton per mile for toll,
and three cents a ton per mile for transportation;
for the transportation of passengers not exceeding


three cents per mile for each passenger; and it
shall not be lawful -for any other company or any
person or persons to travel upon or use any of the
roads of said company, or to transport persons,
merchandise or other property along said roads or
their branches without permission of the said com-
pany, and that the said roads and branches thereof,

Permission to
be given.

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Session Laws, 1866 Session
Volume 419, Page 301   View pdf image (33K)
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