Sec. 8. And be it enacted, That if when the
last payment on the thirty thousand dollars shall
have teen made to the authorized agent of the
Queen Anne and Kent Railroad Company, it shall
be made to appear to the satisfaction of the county
commissioners, that said Railroad has not been
completed and equipped with the necessary cars
and rolling stock, said county commissioners shall
be and are hereby required to issue the bonds
of the county for twenty thousand dollars, of fifty
dollars each, to be prepared in the usual form, to
bear an interest of six per centum per annum, pay-
able semi-annually, on the first days of April and
October, respectively, and at such place as said
commissioners shall designate, and which said
bonds shall be and are hereby exempted from
all county and municipal taxes, they may be sold
at not less than their par value.
To issue
Sec. 9. And be it enacted, That said bonds
shall be described on their face as the bonds of
Queen Anne County, for the benefit of the Queen
Anne and Kent Railroad, and shall be made
redeemable, one-tenth thereof in every successive
year, till the whole shall be redeemed, at such
time and place as shall be stated in the bonds; and
said commissioners are hereby required to provide
for the payment of interest on these bonds and
their redemption at they may mature, by levying
annually on the taxable property of the county,
such amount as shall enable them to meet and pro-
vide for the requirements of this section.
Bonds to be
Sec. 10. And be it enacted, That said bonds
shall be received by the several collectors of the
county tax in payment of the county taxes collect-
able in the year in which they are made to
Bonds to be
received in
payment of