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Session Laws, 1866 Session
Volume 419, Page 284   View pdf image (33K)
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the tax, " or the words, "Against the tax, " Said
ballot shall not be counted by the Judges in the
several election districts, as expressing any opinion
of the voter on the subject.

Returns of


Sec. 5. And be it enacted, That the Judges of
election in the several election districts, shall care-
fully ascertain the number of votes cast in their
respective districts "For the tax, " and the number
of votes cast "Against the tax, " and the several
return Judges shall make true returns thereof, at-
tested by their hands and seal, to the county com-

Duly to levy.

Sec. 6. And be it enacted, That if from the re-
turns made by the Judges of the election, it shall
appear to the county commissioners of said county,
that a majority of the votes taken which indicate
an opinion on the subject of the tax aforesaid, were
cast in favor, of the tax, then it shall be the duty
of said commissioners to levy on the taxable
property of said county the sum of six thousand
dollars, with the expenses of collecting the same
annually for five years, and to have the same col-
lected in manner as now provided for the collection
of other county taxes.

Annual pay-
ment — how

Sec. 7. And be it enacted, That the amount of six
thousand dollars thus raised, shall be paid annu-
ally on the first day of April,, or in the discretion
of the. county commissioners, in two equal instal-
ments, on the first days of April and October, res-
pectively in each year, for five successive years,
the first payment thereon to be made on the first
day of April, eighteen hundred and sixty-eight, or
eighteen hundred and sixty-nine, as the county
commissioners may determine, on the written order
or orders of said commissioners, drawn on one or
more of the collectors of the county tax, to the of-
ficer or agent, appointed and authorized by the
Directors of the Queen Anne and Kent Railroad
Company, to receive the same, and whose appoint-
ment is hereby required to be attested by the sig-
nature of the President of said corporation, and
under their corporate seal; and it shall be and is
hereby made the duty of said commissioners to re-
quire of said officer or agent, a receipt for such
sums, which shall be filed among the papers of
their office.

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Session Laws, 1866 Session
Volume 419, Page 284   View pdf image (33K)
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