the estate and interest in the same thus valued as
fully as if it had been conveyed by the owner or
owners of the same; and the valuation if not re-
ceived when tendered may at any time thereafter
he received from the company without costs, by
the said owner or owners, or his, her, or their
legal representative or representatives.
Company may
occupy land.
Sec. 2. And be it enacted, That whensoever it
shall be necessary for said company to have, use,
or occupy, any land, materials or other property,
in order to the construction or repair of any of
their works or necessary buildings, the said com-
pany may immediately take and use the same (they
having first caused the property wanted to be
viewed by a jury formed in the manner hereinbe-
fore prescribed, ) and that it shall not be necessary
after such view, in order to the use or occupation
of the same, to wait the issue of the proceedings
upon such view, and the inquest of the jury, after
confirmation and after payment or tender of the
valuation, shall be a bar to all actions for taking
or using such property, whether commenced be-
fore or after such confirmation, or the payment of
said valuation.
Governor au-
thorized to
subscribe in
name of State
Sec. 3, And be it enacted, That the Governor of
the State be, and he is hereby authorized to sub-
scribe in the name of the State for any number of
shares in addition to those already subscribed
under the said act of incorporation not exceeding
two hundred shares or ten thousand dollars, and
the Comptroller when certified by the Governor of
the sum of money agreed by him to be paid to the
said company for stocks subscribed, shall issue his
warrant upon the Treasurer of the State for the
same, in favor of the said President and Directors
of said Water Company.
In force.
Sec. 4. And be it enacted, That this act shall
take effect from the day of its passage.