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Session Laws, 1866 Session
Volume 419, Page 28   View pdf image (33K)
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creased, and that two of the said directors he taken
from Washington county.


SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly
of Maryland, That the said order of the said
County Commissioners, of Washington county, be
and the same is hereby declared valid, and that
the County Commissioners of Washington county,
be and they are hereby authorised and empowered
to subscribe to the capital stock of the Western
Maryland Railroad Company at the time hereinaf-
ter mentioned, a sum not exceeding the amount of
one hundred and fifty thousand dollars on the
terms and conditions of said order and this act.

not to be made
until road be

Sec. 2. And be it enacted, That said subscription
shall not be made until the said railroad shall
have been completed arid paid for, or until said
County Commissioners are satisfied that the said
road will be made and paid for, to the line divid-
ing Frederick from Washington county, and in
the direction of Hagerstown, and for the purpose
of raising the said sum of money, so to be sub-
scribed by said County Commissioners, they are
hereby empowered annually to levy the same on the
taxable property of Washington county whenever
the same shall be called for, and in such sums or
proportions as the progress of the work through
said Washington county shall require, or the said
County Commissioners shall borrow the said sum
from time to time as it may be required as afore-
said, upon the credit of the said county, and to
issue bonds, duly executed, for the payment of the
same, the said bonds not to be sold under their
par value, to bear interest not exceeding six per
cent, payable semi-annually, and not to run for a
period longer than twenty years, and said bonds
shall be exempt from county and municipal taxa-
tion, and for the purpose of paying the interest
thereon, and to retire the principal, the said Coun-
ty Commissioners are hereby empowered and re-
quired to levy an annual sum adequate for said

Bonds not to
be transfer-

Sec. 8. And be it enacted, That said bonds shall
not be transferred to said railroad company in pay-
ment of said subscription or any part thereof, but
the same shall bo sold by the County Commission-
ers of Washington county, and the proceeds paid

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Session Laws, 1866 Session
Volume 419, Page 28   View pdf image (33K)
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