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Session Laws, 1866 Session
Volume 419, Page 27   View pdf image (33K)
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AN ACT to authorize the County Commissioners
of Washington county, to subscribe on behalf of
said county, to the capital stock of the Western
Maryland Railroad company to an amount not
exceeding one hundred and fifty thousand dol-

Passed Jan
31, 1866.

WHEREAS, the County Commissioners of Wash-
ington county, did on the twenty-sixth day of Sep-
tember eighteen hundred and sixty-five, passed an
order in the following words, viz:


It is ordered this twenty-sixth day of September,
A. D., eighteen hundred and sixty -five, by the
County Commissioners of Washington county, that
three thousand shares of the capital stock of the
Western Maryland Railroad Company, being of
the par value of one hundred and fifty thousand
dollars, be and the same is hereby subscribed by
and in the name of and for Washington county,
upon the condition, nevertheless, that the city of
Baltimore, by its corporate authorities, duly sub-
scribe four thousand shares of said stock, being of
the par value of two hundred thousand dollars,
and upon the condition further, that such stock
so as aforesaid subscribed by said county, or the
money paid in for the same, shall be first solely
and exclusively applied to the construction and
completion of said road within the limits of Wash-
ington county aforesaid, so far as the same may be
required in such construction and completion, and
the balance, if any, after such construction and
completion wherever otherwise it may be required
in its construction and completion, and upon the
condition further that said subscription be duly
authorised and made lawful by the Legislature of


And it is further ordered, that the President of
said County Commissioners be and he is hereby
authorised, empowered, directed and required forth-
with to make said subscription to said stock for
and in the name of Washington, county, and upon
the conditions and limitations aforesaid, and the
said subscription is made upon the further condi-
tion that the directors of the said company be in-

to subscribe.

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Session Laws, 1866 Session
Volume 419, Page 27   View pdf image (33K)
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