sors, be and they are hereby created a body politic
in the State of Maryland, by the name and style of
the "Union Soldiers Home of Maryland; " the ob-
ject and intention of the said corporation being to
provide a permanent home and maintenance for
the soldiers who have been wounded in the late
war in the defence of the Union, and for this pur-
pose, the said corporation shall have perpetual
succession, with power to sue and be sued, to make
and use a common seal, and to alter the same at
pleasure and generally do all things necessary and
proper to be done in carrying out the designs of
this act.
Power to pur-
chase or re-
ceive proper-
Sec. 2. And be it enacted, That the said corpo-
ration shall have power in and by their corporate
name to purchase or receive by gift or otherwise, to
lease, hold and occupy any property, real, person-
al or mixed, and to erect thereon a building or
buildings suitable for the purpose of providing a
home for disabled soldiers as may be deemed fit
and proper to carry out the designs of said institu-
tion, and promote the comfort and health of the
disabled soldiers of Maryland.
Power to
Sec. 3. And be it enacted, That they shall have
power to sell or otherwise dispose of all property,
real, personal or mixed, that may come into their
possession by gift, purchase or otherwise, for the
use of the corporation.
Time to
Sec, 4. And be it enacted, That the aforenamed
corporation shall serve until the first day of May,
eighteen hundred and sixty-seven, or until their
successors shall be duly elected and qualified.
Election of
Sec. 5. And be it enacted, That there shall be
elected, on the first day of May, eighteen hundred
and sixty-seven, five directors, to serve for the
term of one year from the date of their election, and
until their successors shall have been elected, rea-
sonable notice being given preceding the election,
and the election held as is usual in corporate insti-
of agents.
Sec. 6. And be it enacted, That the said corpo-
rators or their successors shall have power to ap-
point an agent to solicit contributions in aid of said
Soldier's Home, and to any person contributing the
sum of five dollars or more, said agent shall issue a
proper receipt or certificate of the amount so con-