property of said town, or specially upon the asses-
sable properly of persons benefitted thereby; they
shall for the purpose of opening Market street as
aforesaid, appoint three disinterested persons not
residents of said town, which said three named
persons shall on being summoned by the Sheriff of
Caroline county, so to do, on or before the first day
of May, eighteen hundred and sixty-six, value the
damage to the persons through whose property it
may pass, and report the amount of damage so
assessed to said Commissioners, to be by them paid
within three months thereafter.
Sec. 9. And be it enacted, That the said Presi-
dent and Commissioners shall have power to levy
and collect taxes in said tow, n upon the real and
personal property thereof, not exceeding in any
one year, thirty-three cents in the one hundred
dollars on the assessable property in said town;
they shall assess the property in said town annu-
ally, between the third Monday of April and the
third Monday of May, by two assessors, to be by
them appointed, who shall, before they proceed to
assess said property, make an oath before some Jus-
tice of the Peace, that he will assess and value all
the real and personal property within the town of
Denton, without favor, affection, partiality or
prejudice, to the best of his skill and judgment;
but should any person feel aggrieved at the valua-
tion and assessment of his or her property by said
assessor, he or she may appeal from such valua-
tion to the President and Commissioners at any
time within three weeks after the return of assess-
ment, and the President and Commissioners may
make any alteration therein they may deem just.
Power to levy
and collect
Sec. 10. And be it enacted, That the President
and Commissioners shall annually appoint a Treas-
urer of the corporation, who shall keep accounts of
the receipts and disbursements of the funds of the
corporation in a well bound book, to be provided
by the Commissioners, and shall render annually to
the President and Commissioners an account there-
Treasurer to
be appointed.
of; but before the Treasurer shall enter upon the
duties of his office, he shall give bond to the State
of Maryland, with security approved by the Coun-
ty Commissioners of Caroline county, in the penal-
ty of one thousand dollars, conditioned that he
will well and faithfully account for all moneys