laws and resolutions shall not be contrary to the
laws of the United States or the laws of the State
of Maryland, or inconsistent with the provisions
of this charter.
Sec. 5. And be it enacted, That the President
and directors shall declare dividends of the profits
realized, if any, by the company, or on so much
thereof from time to time as a majority of them
shall deem expedient.
Sec, 6. And be it enacted, That the shares of the
stock aforesaid may be transferred by the owners
thereof, their executors, administrators or attorney
duly and lawfully authorized, in a hook to be pro-
vided for that purpose, and in such manner as the
directors shall determine.
Snares trans-
Sec. 7. And be it enacted, That the board of direc-
tors or the stockholders holding a majority of the
stocks shall have power at any time to call a gene-
ral meeting of the stockholders by giving notice at
least three times a week for three weeks, in two of
the newspapers in the city of Baltimore, for the
time and place of such general meeting of the
stockholders, and at all such meetings of the
stockholders, the votes shall he taken as in the
manner of electing directors, and a majority of the
whole stock of the company shall have the power
of closing and winding up the concerns of said
Sec. 8. And be it enacted, That the said corpo-
ration is hereby prohibited from issuing any note,
certificate, device, or evidence of debt to be used as
currency; and the right is hereby expressly re-
served to the General Assembly of Maryland to
repeal this act at its pleasure.
Banking priv-
ileges prohib-
Soc. 9. And be it enacted, That nothing herein
contained shall be so construed as to authorize the
said corporation to go into operation until one
thousand shares of stock are subscribed, and twen-
ty-five thousand dollars paid in, and for every ad-
ditional hundred thousand dollars of capital stock,
fifty thousand dollars subscribed and twenty-five
thousand dollars paid in.
Sec. 10. And be it enacted, That this act shall
go into effect from and after the date of its passage.
In force.