chosen by the stockholders in general meeting and
continue in office for one year arid until others are
elected in their stead, and in case of death, resig-
nation or disqualification of the president, the re-
maining members of the directors shall elect oth-
ers to fill the vacancy.
Sec. 6. And be it enacted, That in all general
meetings of the stockholders, a majority of the
stockholders being present in person or by proxy,
shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of
Votes enti-
tled to.
business; each stockholder shall be entitled to as
many votes as he may have shares in said compa-
ny, and said stockholders shall fix the time and
place of annual meetings, and prescribe the mode
in which meetings may be called by the directors
and the manner in which notice of the same shall
be given.
Powers gran-
Sec. 7. And be it enacted, That the corporation
hereby created shall have power and authority to
purchase, hold or own all such real and personal
estate, with power to sell, transfer and encumber
the same at pleasure, as may be and become neces-
sary to carry on and conduct the business of for-
warding and transporting such goods, wares
merchandize and property as may be committed to
it, to forward and transport in or to any part of the
United States, and shall have power to make such
contracts or bargains for the proper forwarding or
transporting the same, as it may deem most
for the benefit of said corporation, and which may
best promote the object for which the same is crea-
ted, which is hereby declared to be the forwarding
and transporting of all such property, goods,
wares, merchandize and produce as may he com-
mitted to its cat e or custody for that purpose, from
and to any point or points in the United States, on
and over any railroad or other road, and upon any
canal boat, barge, steamboat or other boat or ves-
sel, with their consent, and shall have power to
appoint and again to remove all agents and em-
ployees who may be necessary for conducting the
business of said corporation.
In force.
Sec. 8, And be it enacted, That this act shall be
in force from its passage, and shall be subject to
alteration, amendment or repeal, at the pleasure of
the General Assembly.