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Session Laws, 1866 Session
Volume 419, Page 10   View pdf image (33K)
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Passed Jan.
27, 1866.


AN ACT to incorporate the Mount Washington
Mining Company.


SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly
of Maryland, That William H. Keener, Henry F.
Zollikoffer, Edward Powers, P. P. Pendleton, L.
J. Tormey, and all and every person or persons
who with them or in their stead, shall hereafter
become associated with them, their successors and
assigns, shall be and are hereafter created and de-
clared to be a body corporate and politic, by the
name and style of the Mount Washington Mining
Company, and by that name may have perpetual
succession, and shall be able and capable in law to
sue and be sued, plead and be impleaded, answer
and be answered in any court of law or equity, and
to make and use a common seal, and to ordain and
establish such by laws and regulations as shall be
necessary or convenient for conducting the affairs
of the corporation not repugnant to law.

Object of

SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That the objects of
said corporation are said to be the mining of cop-
per and other ores, and for which purposes they
are hereby authorized to purchase, hold and sell
land in fee simple or otherwise necessary for the
conducting of the business, and to erect thereon all
needful and convenient buildings; that the

Capital stock.

capital stock of said corporation shall be one hun-
dred thousand dollars, divided into shares of one
hundred dollars each, and when five hundred
shares are subscribed for and one-tenth on each
share paid in, then the company hereby incorpo-
rated may avail themselves of the provisions of this
Act, and for every additional hundred thousand
dollars increase to the capital stock, ten thousand


dollars shall be paid in; provided, that said
capital stock shall not be increased to an amount
exceeding five hundred thousand dollars.

ment of af-


SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That the management
of the affairs of the company the stockholders shall
elect a President and not loss than five Directors,
who shall remain in office for one year, or until
successors be elected, a majority of whom shall con-
stitute a quorum or board, that a majority of
stockholders shall call a meeting, upon advising
all the stockholders by advertisement in one of the

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Session Laws, 1866 Session
Volume 419, Page 10   View pdf image (33K)
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