No. 18.
Joint resolution in reference to a survey of Mono-
kin river.
Resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That the Senators and Representatives of this
State, in the Congress of the United States, be and
they are hereby requested to introduce and press.
Cause a sur-
the passage of a resolution through their respective
bodies, requiring the War Department to cause a
survey of Monokin river in this State, from its
mouth up to Princess Anne, to be made with a
view to the improvement of its navigation and an
estimate of the cost of such improvement.
No. 19.
Resolved, That our Senators and Representa-
tives in the Congress of the United States be and
they are hereby requested to secure the return to
the State of Maryland of the sum of seventy-two
Secure the
thousand dollars advanced under the joint resolu-
tion of seventeen hundred and ninety by the
State to the Federal Government, for the purpose
of erecting public buildings at the city of Wash-
ington, with interest thereon from the date of
No. 20.
WHEREAS it has been represented to this Gen-
eral Assembly that Mr. Dennis 11. O'Connor and
a Mr. Malone, citizens of this State, have been
arbitrarily arrested in Ireland and hurriedly thrust
into prison without a hearing and without any
opportunity to answer or refute the charges
against them, or to consult friends or counsel, and
that other American citizens have been subjected
to like treatment; therefore, be it