Resolved by the General Assembly of the State of
Maryland, That our Senators and members of the
House of Representative i n the National Congress be
requested to call the attention of the Secretary of
State and of Congress to these arbitrary arrests
by the authority of the English Government, and
urge an immediate inquiry into the cases of
Messrs. O'Connor, Malone and other citizens of
the United States, and to demand for them, a
epeedy trial or their immediate release, and that
proper steps be taken to protect the rights of
American citizens abroad and the dignity of the
Republic, and to take such other steps as in their
judgment may seem best to secure the trial or re-
lease of our citizens whose health and fortunes
are being injured by their long incarceration;
further —
Resolved, That His Excellency, the Governor of
this State, be directed to send a copy of these
Send copy.
resolutions, under the great seal of the State, to
the Maryland Senators and Representatives.
No. 31.
Joint resolution requiring the State Librarian to
furnish certain books to the Circuit Court and
Orphans' Court for Calvert county.
WHEREAS, by a recent fire in Prince Frederick,
the court house of Calvert county and the library
therein were totally destroyed, whereby great in-
convenience will result to the courts there held ;
therefore, be it
Resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That the State Librarian be and he is hereby di-
rected to furnish immediately for the use of the
Circuit Court for said county, a copy of each of
the " Maryland Reports," beginning with the
Directed to
earliest, so far as it is possible, two copies each of
the " State Digests; " two copies of the " Code
of Laws," both general and local; one copy of
the " State Constitution; " two copies of Win-