No. 17.
WHEREAS the General Assembly of the State of
Maryland, at the January session, in the year eigh-
teen hundred and eighty, chapter thirty-six, passed
an act concerning the taking and catching of
oysters in the Potomac river; and chapter four
hundred and forty-five of the acts passed at Jan-
uary session, eighteen hundred and eighty, enti-
tled "An act to protect oysters in the waters of
Pocomoke Sound, in Somerset county;" and
whereas the act requires the assent of the Gene-
ral Assembly of the State of Virginia, under the
compact between the States of Maryland and Vir-
ginia, in the year seventeen hundred and eighty-
five, that the same may become effective; there-
Resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That five members of this General Assembly,
two on the part of the Senate and three on the
part of the House, be appointed by the presiding
officer of each body respectively, who shall, as
soon as practicable, confer with the General As-
sembly of Virginia touching the matter enacted
in said act of eighteen hundred and eighty, and
request their assent thereto at their present ses-
appointed to
sion, if the said committee shall deem the said
laws hereinbefore referred to to be the best for
the oyster interest in this State, and to confer with
the said Legislature upon any other law which
they may deem it necessary to pass for the pro-
tection of oysters in the waters already mentioned,
and report the result of the conference to this
General Assembly.
Resolved, second, That if the said act shall be
assented to by the State of Virginia, and a simi-
lar act be passed by their General Assembly, that
Secure neces-
the Governor of each State, respectively, be re-
sary legisla-
quested to secure the necessary legislation by the
Congress of the United States, as required by the
Constitution of the United States, to make the
«aid act valid and effective.