erection of a suitable monument to the memory
of Francis Scott Key, the author of the national
lyric, " The Star Spangled Banner," at the place
where his remains lie interred, in Mount Olivet
Cemetery, at Frederick City; and be it further
Resolved, That His Excellency, the Governor, be
Transmit copy
requested to transmit a copy of the foregoing reso-
lution to each of the Senators and Representatives
in Congress from the State of Maryland.
No. 16.
WHEREAS it has been represented to the Gen-
eral Assembly of Maryland that a canal of a few
miles in length would unite the waters of Isle of
Wight bay in the State of Maryland, and Indian
River inlet in the State of .Delaware, whereby
great benefit would result to both States, and par-
ticularly to the State of Maryland, by greatly
shortening the navigable route in that section to
the ocean; therefore, be it
Resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That the Senators and Representatives of this
State, in the Congress of the United States, be and
they are hereby requested to introduce and urge
the passage of a resolution through their respec-
tive bodies requiring the War Department to
Requested to
cause a survey of the shortest and most practica-
ble route to connect Assawoman, Isle of Wight
and Upper Synepuxent bays in the State of Mary-
land, and Indian River inlet in the State of Dela-
ware, by a canal for improving the navigation,
and to make an estimate of the cost of such im-