Chapter 493.
AN ACT to incorporate the Presbyterian Eye and
Ear Charity Hospital.
WHEREAS an association of citizens exists in the
city of Baltimore under the title of "The Presby-
terian Eye and Ear Charity Hospital," having for
its object the alleviation of suffering without regard
to religious or denominational belief; and whereas
it is desirable that the existence of said association
be secured that it may be enabled to carry on the
benevolent purposes for which it has been formed ;
therefore —
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assem-
bly of Maryland, That William W. Spence, James
A. Gary, Julian J. Chisholm, Edgar G. Dawson,
H. P. C. Wilson, W. C. Orr, Charles F. McCoy,
Henry G. Tyson, D. D. Mallory, John L. Reed, O.
F. Bresee, Tel fair Marriott, J. Henderson, Joseph
H. Reirnan, John L. Weeks, J. Faris Moore, George
F. Anderson, John Leyburn, Richard K. Cross,
Daniel Holliday, John P. Ammidon, J. R. Page,
W. K. Carson and Thomas D. Anderson, and their
successors, be and they hereby are created and con-
stituted a body politic and corporate by the name
Created a body
of "The Presbyterian Eye and Ear Charity Hos-
pital of Baltimore," and by that name shall have
perpetual succession, may sue and be sued, answer
and defend in any court of law and equity, and may
ordain and establish such by-laws, rules and regula-
Establish by-
tions as may appear necessary and proper for con-
ducting the concerns of said corporation, and shall
not be contrary to law; and the same may change,
alter and amend as shall appear proper; and may
have, use and at pleasure change a common seal,
and generally may do any act or thing necessary
and proper to carry into effect the provisions of this
act and to promote the designs of the corporation.
SEC 2. And be it further enacted. That the said
William W. Spence and the other persons named
in the aforegoing section shall constitute the board of
Board of gov
governors of the said corporation; and they shall
have power to fill vacancies in said board as the