of for the use of the State, and the other half
thereof to the informer; provided, however, that
nothing contained in this act shall be construed to
prevent breeders, and owners, bona fide, horses,
mares, geldings or mules, and owners, bona fide,
residing in the counties of this State, and other
persons residing out of the State and doing their
How con-
business elsewhere than in the city of Baltimore;
and all owners, bona fide, who do not follow the
business, trade, occupation or calling of buying,
vending, bartering, exchanging or dealing in
horses, mares, geldings or mules, from offering
the same for sale, or making sale of such horses,
mares, geldings or mules as they shall bring to
the city of Baltimore, without a license; and
nothing in sections one and two of this act con-
tained, shall be held to apply to regularly licensed
auctioneers in the city of Baltimore.
SEC. 6. And be it enacted, That this act shall
take effect from the date of its passage.
Approved May 31, 1882.
Chapter 485.
AN ACT to incorporate the Guarantee and Loan
Company of Maryland.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assem-
bly of Maryland, That Wm. S. Landsberg, David
Fowler, F. C. Neale, C S. Desch, Daniel L. Holden,
Wilton Snowden, Samuel J. Harman and Daniel
Constantine, their associates and successors, and all
others who may hereafter become members of this
company as hereinafter provided, are hereby con-
a body corpo-
stituted a body corporate by the name of the
" Guarantee and Loan Company of Maryland," and
by that name may sue and be sued, appear, prose-
cute and defend suits to final judgment and execu-
tion, in any courts of this State, or elsewhere; may
Lave a common seal, and alter the same at pleasure.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That this company
may advance money or grant credit on security, by