applying for a license shall be inserted in said
license, and if more than two individuals consti-
tute and compose any such association as afore-
said, applying for a license, or if any such asso-
sum for license
ciation is composed of more than two individuals,
then an additional sum of twenty-five dollars shall
be paid for each and every other individual than
the said two constituting such association of indi-
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That any person or
persons, co-partnership, firm, corporation, joint
stock company, broker, commission merchant or
other association of persons for the purposes set
forth in the first section of this act, who sells or
exposes for sale horses, rnares, geldings or mules
Penalty for
in the streets, lanes or alleys of the city of Balti-
more, shall be deemed guilty of misdemeanor, and
on conviction thereof shall be subject to a penalty
of twenty dollars for each and every such horse,
mare, or gelding so sold or exposed for sale.
SEC. 4. And be it enacted, That any such person
or persons as are embraced within the terms of
sections one and two of this act, or any other per-
son whatsoever who shall sell or procure to be
sold any unsound horse, mare, gelding or mule in
the city of Baltimore, knowing it at the time
thereof to be unsound, and representing it to be
sound with intent to deceive or defraud the pur-
Intent to de-
chaser thereof, shall be deemed guilty of misde-
meanor, and on conviction thereof shall be subject
to a penalty of not less than fifty nor more than
one hundred dollars, or to be imprisoned for not
less than one nor more than twelve months, at the
discretion of the judge presiding over the Crimi-
nal Court at the time of trial.
SEC. 5. And be it enacted, That any person or
persons enumerated, mentioned, embraced or de-
scribed within section one of this act, who shall
conduct or carry on the aforesaid business de-
scribed therein, who shall sell, offer or expose for
Penalty for
sale in any way whatsoever any horse, mare,
gelding or mule without a license, as provided by
said section one of this act, shall be subject, upon
conviction thereof, to a penalty of one hundred
dollars for each and every offence, one-half there-