road constructed by any other company along, upon
or connecting with its line of road, upon such terms
and conditions as may be agreed upon between said
Terms and
companies respectively; or said railroad company
may enter into an arrangement with any other
connecting company for their common benefit con-
sistent with and calculated to promote the objects
for which they were created.
SECTION 4. And he it enacted, That upon every
such subscription there shall be paid, at the time of
subscribing, the sum of two dollars on every share
—how paid...
subscribed, and the residue thereof shall be paid in
such instalments as the president and directors of
said company shall require; and if any instalment of
stock remains unpaid for sixty days after the time
it may be required, whether such stock is held by
an assignee, transferee or the original subscriber, the
same may be collected by an action of debt; or the
Sell unpaid
directors may sell the stock so unpaid at public
auction for the instalment then due thereon, first
giving thirty days' public notice of the time and
place of sale in some newspaper in general circula-
tion in the county where such delinquent stock-
holders reside, and in the city of Baltimore, if any
such stockholders reside therein at the time of
making such subscription or becoming such assignee
or transferee, or of his actual residence at the time
of said sale; or if such stockholder resides out of the
State, such publication shall be made in the county
or city where the principal office of the company is
located; and if residue of money shall remain after
paying the amount due on said stock, the same shall,
on demand, be paid over to the owner; if the whole
of said instalment be not paid by such sale, the
How recov-
remainder shall be recoverable by an action of debt
against the subscriber, assignee or transferee.
SECTION 6. And be it enatcted, That the president
and directors shall have power to locate, construct,
maintain and work a railroad not exceeding eighty
feet in width, with one or more sets of tracks from
Locate and
the city of Baltimore to some point on the Penn-
sylvania line, east or west of the Susquehanna river,
and in its course through Harford county, running
its line through or near the town of Bel-Air, and
are hereby authorized to form a connection with any
road or roads in the State of Pennsylvania or in