road Company," be and the same is hereby repealed,
amended and re enacted to read as follows:
SECTION 2 Be it enacted by the General Assem-
bly of Maryland, That there shall be a general
General meet-
meeting of the stockholders of said corporation on
the third Monday of January in each and every year,
for the purpose of choosing by ballot or otherwise,
thirteen members of said corporation to be directors
Choose di-
to manage the affairs thereof for twelve months, and
until successors shall be chosen, and in all meetings
every stockholder shall be entitled to give in person
or by proxy one vote for each share of capital stock
standing in his, her or their names, on books of said
SECTION 3. And be it enacted, That the capital
stock of the Maryland Central Railroad Company
Capital stock.
shall be two millions of dollars in shares of fifty
dollars each, which capital may be increased at the
discretion of the directors to any amount not
exceeding three millions of dollars; and said cor-
poration may receive subscriptions to its capital
stock in money, lands, or any other property, and
may merge and consolidate with any other railroad
Merge and
company chartered by this State or by the State of
Pennsylvania, which may be upon or connect with
its line of road; and any other railroad company
heretofore chartered by the laws of this State, or
which may hereafter be so chartered, shall have the
right to consolidate with said Maryland Central
Railroad Company upon such terms and conditions
as may be agreed upon by said companies and ap-
proved by a majority in interest of the stockholders
of the respective companies so consolidated; and
shall be capable in law of purchasing, holding, sell-
ing, leasing and conveying estates, real, personal
and mixed, so far as shall be necessary for the pur-
pose hereinafter mentioned, and no further, and
shall have perpetual succession; and said railroad
company may at any time, by means of subscription
to the capital stock of any other company or other-
wise, as the board of directors may determine, aid
such company in the construction of its railroad for
the purpose of forming a connection of said last
Aid in con-
mentioned road with the Maryland Central Rail-
road, or the said last mentioned railroad company
may purchase or lease any part or all of any rail-