solvent debtors shall be applicable to cases, on
application to a justice of the peace of said dis-
trict, when the party fined has been confined in
When appli-
jail for such a period as would entitle him to his
discharge under said law from the county jail, if
confined therein by a judgment of the Circuit
Court, and said party not having been sooner dis-
charged by order of the commissioners.
Approved May 3, 1882.
Chapter 467.
AN ACT to forbid the sale or barter (as a beverage
or drink in contradistinction to a medicine) of
Cider or Medicated Bitters, producing intoxica-
tion, or other intoxicating liquors, in Talbot county,
where the sale or bat ter of spirituous or fermented
liquors is now unauthorized, and to regulate the
sale of intoxicating liquors in Talbot county for
medicinal purposes.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assem-
bly of Maryland, That it shall be unlawful for any
person to barter or sell any cider or medicated bit-
Where un-
ters, producing intoxication, or any other intoxicat-
ing liquors, within the limits of Talbot county, where
now the sale or barter of spirituous or fermented
liquors is unauthorized; provided that nothing
How con-
herein contained shall be construed to prevent the
compounding or sale of cider, spirituous, fermented
or intoxicating liquors by a regular pharmacist or
druggist having a license for such business, upon the
written bona fide prescription of a regular practic-
ing physician, whose name in full shall be signed
thereto, the date and the name of the person for
whom the prescription is intended; and every such
filed and kept.
prescription shall be filed and kept for at least one
year by such pharmacist or druggist, and no such
prescription shall serve for more than one purchase;
no physician shall make or sign any such prescrip-
tion unless the same be requisite and necessary, and