furnished the said clerk in regard thereto by the
depositor; for every such record and receipt the
clerk shall be entitled to a fee of fifty cents, to be
Fee of clerk.
paid by the person depositing the sample; the fee
to the said clerk shall be one dollar, to be paid by
the person requesting the said sample to be drawn ;
the sample so numbered and described shall be for
analysis to compare with the sample deposited with
said clerk, as provided in section two of this act,
and with the certificate found on the packages from
which the sain pie was drawn.
SEC. 9. All suits for the recovery of fines under
Suits— how
the provisions of this act shall be brought by the
clerk to the county commissioners in the name of
the State of Maryland.
SEC. 10. In every suit for the recovery of fines or
of damages under the provisions of this act, the
clerk to the county commissioners shall forward to
the chemist, selected tinder the provisions of section
What consti-
four for analysis, the numbered sample of commer-
tutes evidence
cial fertilizer or bone dust deposited with the said
clerk by the party bringing suit, and the sworn
report of the analysis of such commercial fertilizer
or bone dust by the chemist aforesaid shall be
received as evidence in the case.
SEC. 11. Be it enacted, That all acts or parts of
acts inconsistent with this act be and the same are
acts repealed.
hereby repealed.
SEC. 12. Be it enacted, .That this act shall take
effect from the date of its passage as to the appoint-
ment of officers to carry out the provisions thereof,
How effective.
but as to all other provisions, not to take effect until
the first day of August, eighteen hundred and
Approved May 3, 1882.