moneys received on account of license fees, and ex-
pended on account of analysis; and any surplus
arising from license permits or fines shall be placed
to the credit of the public roads of Harford county.
SEC. 6. Any person or party who shall offer or
expose for sale any commercial fertilizer or bone
dust without complying with the provisions of sec-
tions one, two and three of this act, or shall permit
an analysis to be attached to any package of such
fertilizer stating that it contains a larger percentage
of any one or more of the constituents named in
section one of this act than it really does contain,
shall be fined not less than two hunded dollars for
Fine for vio-
the first offence, and not less than five hundred dol-
lars for every subsequent offence; but the fines
shall not be inflicted for violations of the provisions
of this act more than once for violations on any
shipment into this county, nor for any one lot, if
made in Harford county; provided, however, that a
deficiency of one per cent, of nitrogen, potash, am-
monia, or four per cent, phosphoric acid claimed to
be contained, shall not be considered as evidence of
fraudulent intent.
SEC. 7. Suit may be brought for the recovery of
fines and damages under the provisions of this act
in the Circuit Court for Harford county; and all
fines so recovered shall be paid to the clerk to the
Where suit
county commissioners, to be accounted for and to be
to recover may
be brought.
disposed of by him in the same manner as the fees
arising from licenses, as provided for in section five
of this act.
SEC. 8. The clerk to the county commissioners is
hereby empowered to select from any package of
commercial fertilizer or bone dust sold in Harford
county, upon the request of the purchaser, a quan-
tity not exceeding two pounds, which shall be
Select when
requested .
securely enclosed in a tin or glass vessel and depos-
ited with the said clerk, who shall properly number
the same, but shall affix no other marks thereto ;
and the said clerk shall correctly record the number
of the sample, by whom deposited, the date of the
deposit, the name of the article, and such other in-
formation as may be furnished by the deposition of
the sample; and the said clerk shall give to the said
Duty of clerk.
depositor a receipt for the sample, setting forth the
number by which it is recorded, and the information