Chapter 440.
AN ACT to add additional sections to article forty-
one of the Code of Public General Laws, entitled
" Fish and Fisheries," and to protect the fish in
the waters of the upper Potomac river and its
tributaries, and to provide for the erection of fish
ways over the several dams thereof.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assem-
bly of Maryland, That the following sections be
added to article forty-one of the Code of Public
Sections added
General Laws, title " Fish and Fisheries," to be
known as sections 15 A, 15 B, 15 C, 15 E, 15 D,
15 F, 15 G, 15 H.
SECTION 15 A. It shall not be lawful for any per-
son to catch or destroy, or to attempt to catch or
destroy, any fish in the waters of the Potomac river
or tributaries, above the place commonly known as
When unlaw-
the " Little Falls " of the Potomac, during the
month of May, except shad and herring, which may
be caught at any time.
SECTION 15 B. It shall not be lawful for any per-
son to catch or destroy, or to attempt to catch or
destroy, fish in the waters of the Potomac river and
tributaries above the said " Little Falls " of the
Potomac at any time by means of sledging, or by
trot or out lines set with live bait; nor shall it be
lawful to catch or destroy, or attempt to catch or
Where not to
destroy, any black bass or salmon in any manner
destroy fish.
between the first day of May and the first day of
June in each year; nor shall it be lawful for any
person to kill fish with poison or drug, or by the
explosion of powder or other substance at any time.
SECTION 15 C. The Fish Commissioner of the
Western Shore of the State shall cause to be erected